Sunday, January 4, 2009

Good interior design work

Hey, something to recommend to you guys. I happened to follow my friend to a her new house and really it was really amazing. Her house is so nicely done and the best thing is she did not pay much for the renovation work. The layout is so poshy and I love it so much.

As some already know, I was an interior designer before and now I confirm my resignation from the interior industry was indeed a right choice. I might not have done such a wonderful design job like they do !

Anyway, for those who are interested to know which ID firm is, they are Artrend Design and you can know more about them at Haha, me busy-body lar.

Well, I am always excited to know ID firm with good design concept and service. Maybe because I was in this industray for 5 years before I started this online business.

1 comment:

shikin said...

Hi there! I'm currently considering Artrend for renovation works and I'm intrigued by your post. Is it too much if you put me through to your friend, so I can ask her more about the reno? My email is and I would like to ask her if she does not mind sharing some pics of her the way, hope is not too much to ask...when you mean it does not cost much, how much exactly is that? :P thanks in advance...